Using skype to get machine ip (windows)

This started as a need to get an IP of a remote computer, that gets new dynamic IP frequently, so i could Remote Desktop into it.

With Skype configured as a startup program, whenever the pc is booted, Skype manages to connect itself. So is a potentially good way to get machine's IP.

After a bit of digging in google and a some customization, i ended up with a small ruby script that instantiates an win32ole skype object, and can listen to incoming events like chats or calls, in this case i'm listening to a chat, whenever gets a text message with "IP", it runs the ipconfig command and returns the output as an answer to the chat.

Ruby Code:

# This simple example echos whatever chat message that is sent to you
require 'win32ole'

#make it wait a bit before, skype connects
puts "Ready..."

# create the new Skype automation object
skype = 'Skype4COM.Skype'

# some constants for easy viewing
$RECEIVED= skype.Convert.TextToChatMessageStatus("RECEIVED")
$SAID = skype.Convert.TextToChatMessageType("SAID")

# uncomment the below if you want to run in silent mode. Only works from Skype 2.6 and above
# skype.SilentMode = true

# attach to Skype

# A default handler for any events. You can use this to handle all miscellanous events or if
# you don't have any specific behaviors you want to trigger on
def default_handler(event, *args)

case event
# When someone calls
when "CallStatus"
# do nothing for now

# When any online status changes
when "OnlineStatus"
# do nothing


# Or you can use a specific method to catch this event
def message_status(msg,status)

# echo whatever is send to you in a chat message
if status == $RECEIVED && msg.Type == $SAID

case msg.body

#request for IP
when "IP"
puts "request for IP Address from " + msg.FromDisplayName
s = `ipconfig`.scan(/IP Add[^\r\n]*/).to_s Add[^\r\n]*/))

end msg.body if status == $RECEIVED && msg.Type == $SAID

# register to receive events from Skype
event =, '_ISkypeEvents')

# on any event at all, go to the default handler
event.on_event {|*args| default_handler(*args)}
# for this specific event
event.on_event("MessageStatus") { | *args| message_status args[0], args[1]}

# loop forever
catch(:done) do
loop do

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