Ebay Find

A small ruby script that does searches in ebay. Is capable of:
  • introducing some misspells in order to find those misspelled items that might be a great bargain(because nobody else is able to find them)
  • and also is capable of searching more than one ebay store.
Prints out to console the search results. Of course because is in ruby, is easy to modify and play around :)

Quick and dirty pulled together, but posting here in case someone else finds it useful.

Use like this:
for multiple keyword search:
ruby ebayfind.rb "Ibanez guitar"

for single keyword search:
ruby ebayfind.rb Ibanez


require 'net/http'
require 'rexml/document'
require 'active_support'

class Misspell

 def self.a(a_text="word", options=["skip_letter", "double_letters",
   "reverse_letters","skip_spaces","missed_key","inserted_key" ])

    ## Sets up the params    params = Hash.new
   params["user_input"] = a_text
   options.each do |opt|
     params[opt] = opt

    #executes a call    res = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse('http://tools.seobook.com/spelling/keywords-typos.cgi'), params)

    #cleans and formats results    res.body.gsub("\n", ',').scan(/<textarea rows[^>]*(.*)<\/textarea>/).flatten.to_s.gsub(">", "").split(',')

if ARGV.length == 0
 puts "#{$0}: You must enter at least one argument."

search_str = [ARGV[0]]

puts "Finding: #{search_str}"
output = ""

#bay_stores = {"1"=>"US", "3"=>"GB", "77"=>"DE", "71"=>"FR", "186"=>"ES", "146"=>"NL"}bay_stores = {"3"=>"GB", "77"=>"DE", "71"=>"FR", "186"=>"ES", "146"=>"NL"}

puts "Creating the misspells..."
search_str << Misspell.a(search_str, ["skip_letter", "double_letters", "reverse_letters","skip_spaces","missed_key","inserted_key" ])
puts "Search item with added misspells: #{search_str.join(",")}"

#Iterate through each Ebay storebay_stores.each_key do |siteid|

  # Iterate through each  search_str.each do |query_string|

    # Put together an eBay parameter string    ebay_params = {'callname'                     =>'FindItemsAdvanced',
     'appid'                       =>'TODO:_YOUR_OWN_EBAY_API_ID',
     'version'                     =>'553',
     'responseencoding'            =>'XML',
     'siteid'                      =>siteid,
     'MessageID                   '=>'',
     'BidCountMax                 '=>'',
     'BidCountMin                 '=>'',
     'CategoryHistogramMaxParents '=>'',
     'CategoryID                  '=>'',
     'CharityID                   '=>'',
     'Condition                   '=>'',
     'Currency                    '=>'',
     'DescriptionSearch           '=>'',
     'EndTimeFrom                 '=>'',
     'EndTimeTo                   '=>'',
     'ExcludeFlag                 '=>'',
     'FeedbackScoreMax            '=>'',
     'FeedbackScoreMin            '=>'',
     'GroupMaxEntries             '=>'',
     'GroupsMax                   '=>'',
     'IncludeSelector             '=>'',
     'ItemsAvailableTo            '=>'',
     'ItemsLocatedIn              '=>'',
     'ItemSort                    '=>'',
     'ItemType                    '=>'AllItemTypes',
     'MaxDistance                 '=>'',
     'MaxEntries                  '=>'',
     'ModTimeFrom                 '=>'',
     'PageNumber                  '=>'',
     'PaymentMethod               '=>'PayPal',
     'PostalCode                  '=>'',
     'PreferredLocation           '=>'',
     'PriceMax                    '=>'',
     'PriceMin                    '=>'',
     'ProductID                   '=>'',
     'Quantity                    '=>'',
     'QuantityOperator            '=>'',
     'QueryKeywords               '=> (query_string.gsub(' ', '%20')),
     'SearchFlag                  '=>'',
     'SellerBusinessType          '=>'',
     'SellerID                    '=>'',
     'SellerIDExclude             '=>'',
     'SortOrder                   '=>'',
     'StoreName                   '=>'',
     'StoreSearch                 '=>''
   }.map { |key,value| "#{key.strip}=#{value}" unless value.empty? }.join("&").squeeze('&')

    # Ask eBay what it knows about our query_string    ebay_response = Net::HTTP.get_response('open.api.ebay.com', '/shopping?' << ebay_params)

   xml = REXML::Document.new(ebay_response.body)

    # Get basic information    response3 =  Hash.from_xml(xml.to_s)

   xml.root.elements.each("/FindItemsAdvancedResponse/SearchResult/ItemArray/Item") do |element|
     item =  Hash.from_xml(element.to_s)
     puts ""
     puts ">> Searching for: #{query_string}, in #{bay_stores[siteid]}, got #{response3["FindItemsAdvancedResponse"]["TotalItems"]} results"
     puts item['Item']['Title']
     puts item['Item']['EndTime']
     puts item['Item']['ConvertedCurrentPrice']
     puts item['Item']['GalleryURL']
     puts item['Item']['ListingType']
     puts item['Item']['Condition']
     puts item['Item']['ViewItemURLForNaturalSearch']

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