Ebay Stocks Price Alert

Tired of checking stock price value every day? If you are waiting for a stock price to rise to a certain value to sell it, or waiting for the price to drop to a certain value to buy it, here you go, ruby scripting to the rescue.

This script will send you an email when stock price falls off a certain tresholds.

Set your own thresholds changing the "low" & "high" values.
Set your preferred stock symbol changing "EBAY" to "GOOGLE" for example. Is easeally extendable to support several stock symbols. I can post a second script if there's enough demand.

To set it up running every day, use windows Task Scheduler or CRON for linux and mac machines.

It does require the ruby mailfactory gem, use "gem install mailfactory" to get it on your machine, and also add in your email server configuration.

 require 'net/http'
require 'net/smtp'
require 'mailfactory'

def get_stock_quote(symbol)

host = "finance.google.com"
link = "/finance?q="+ symbol.upcase


# Create a new HTTP connection
httpCon = Net::HTTP.new( host, 80 )

# Perform a HEAD request
resp = httpCon.get( link, nil )

value = (resp.body.scan /class="pr"[^>]*([^<]*)/).flatten.to_s.gsub(">", "").to_f

print " current #{symbol} stock price is " + value.to_s + " (from finance.google.com)\n"
return value


def send_stock_alert(subject="Ebay Stock Alert", message="Value Alert")

mail = MailFactory.new()
mail.to = 'myself@gmail.com'
mail.from = "ebaystock@alerts.com"
mail.subject = subject
mail.html = message

Net::SMTP.start('yourmailserver') do |smtp|
smtp.send_message(mail.to_s(), mail.from, mail.to )

rescue StandardError => e
puts "Error sending mail"
raise e



low = 23.0
high = 27.0
name = "EBAY"
price = get_stock_quote(name)

send_stock_alert("#{name} Stock Alert: #{price}") unless price.between? low, high


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